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超级管理员 2022-03-16 22:18:30 留学生论文 1242 ℃
Comparing Undergraduate and Masters Dissertations 本科与硕士学位论文比较
One dissertation is not like the other – and that is certainly the case when comparing and contrasting an undergraduate dissertation and a masters dissertation.
Typically, there is not a great deal of difference between the two as the real contrast in dissertation work usually comes between a masters dissertation and a PhD dissertation or thesis. However, this guide will point out both the similarities and the differences so you know what is involved in both projects as you transition from an undergraduate degree to a masters degree.
To create a visual comparison and contrast of the two types of dissertation, check out our chart below that illustrates what is involved with each type of dissertation.

8 Tips for Masters Dissertation Writing Success 硕士学位论文写作成功的8个秘诀

While the expectations about the research and writing skill level will exponentially increase from undergraduate to graduate level – after all, they expect you to have learned a lot during the course of your undergraduate degree – the same basic tips apply on finding success with the final dissertation report. Here are some tips that apply to both:
Choose your research topic carefully. 仔细选择你的研究课题。
Conduct as much research as you can on your subject.对你的课题进行尽可能多的研究。
Use an outline to stay organised.用提纲保持条理。
Make good use of a timeline to stay on schedule.充分利用时间线来保持进度。
Follow all the directions given and utilise the handbook that is often supplied that has all the overall research, writing, and formatting instructions.
Never plagiarise and use someone else’s words or ideas without referencing them.遵循给出的所有说明,并使用经常提供的手册,该手册包含所有总体研究、写作和格式说明。
Work on it every day during your project term period. That means don’t wait until the last minute!在你的项目期限内每天都要做。那意味着不要等到最后一分钟!
Proofread, revise, and get feedback and input from your adviser, tutor, professor and peers.校对,修改,并从你的导师,导师,教授和同事那里得到反馈和意见。


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